Elevate Your Sales Game with Job-Change Alerts

Unlock new sales potential by staying ahead of the curve. Our job-change alerts empower you to maintain strong connections, minimize churn, and turn every career move within your network into a fresh opportunity for growth.

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    Snipbot is Your Edge in a Dynamic Sales Environment

    Stay connected as your key account champions embark on new career journeys, using each move to grow Net Dollar Retention.

    Stay ahead of the competition by leveraging Snipbot's alerts, enabling you to act swiftly on job changes within your network and seize sales opportunities the moment they arise.

    Prevent Churn and Boost Net Dollar Retention with Snipbot

    Maximize your customer lifetime value with our precision alerts, deep data integration, and timely communication across every channel.

    Human-in-the-loop Matching

    AI precision meets human insight for accurate alerts.

    Snipbot employs a human-in-the-loop system to ensure unmatched accuracy in job-change detection, blending cutting-edge AI with human expertise for the most reliable alerts.

    Segment Integration

    Seamless Segment sync for enriched customer insights.

    With seamless integration into Segment, Snipbot enriches your customer data platform with timely job-change information, enhancing your segmentation and targeting strategies.

    Omnichannel Alerts

    Route alerts to the right person via email, Whatsapp, Slack, and Teams.

    Keep your team informed across all platforms with Snipbot’s omnichannel alerts, delivering crucial job-change notifications through email, mobile, and your CRM, ensuring you never miss a beat, no matter where you are.

    Get started today

    Embrace the future of sales enablement with Snipbot. In moments you will be transforming job-change data into actionable insights, forging stronger relationships, and driving consistent sales growth.

    Start Your Free Trial

    Simple pricing, for everyone.

    Affordable, Flexible Pricing to Align with Your Team's Size and Sales or Retention Objectives.


    Individual Sales or Customer Success professionals looking to leverage job-change alerts for a competitive advantage.


    • Real-time job-change alerts for up to 50 contacts
    • Email, SMS, or Whatsapp notifications
    • Standard customer support
    Get started


    Sales and Customer Success teams needing more comprehensive job-change tracking and integration capabilities.


    • Real-time job-change alerts for up to 2000 contacts
    • Segment integration
    • Omnichannel alerts (Email, Mobile, CRM)
    • Enhanced data enrichment features
    • Customizable alert settings
    • Priority customer support
    Start Free Trial


    Organizations requiring extensive job-change tracking, deep integration, and a personalized service experience.

    Starting $1k/mo

    • Unlimited real-time job-change alerts
    • Custom CRM and Segment integration
    • Omnichannel alerts with team customization
    • Alert routing and assignment rules for teams
    • Advanced human-in-the-loop matching
    • Onboarding and training
    • Dedicated account manager
    Book a Demo

    Not sure where to start? create an account (takes 1 minute) and we'll help you find the right plan for your needs.

    Frequently Asked Questions

      • What is Snipbot?

        Snipbot is a sales enablement tool that provides real-time job-change alerts to help sales professionals seize new opportunities.

      • How does Snipbot track job changes?

        Snipbot uses a combination of AI technology and human-in-the-loop verification to ensure accurate and timely job-change notifications.

      • Can Snipbot integrate with my CRM?

        Yes, Snipbot offers seamless integration with popular CRM systems, making it easy to keep your contact data up-to-date.

      • What happens when a contact in my network changes jobs?

        You'll be promptly notified, giving you the opportunity to reach out, update your records, and potentially open up a new sales dialogue.

      • How can I customize my alert settings?

        Snipbot allows you to customize alert settings based on your preferences and sales priorities, ensuring you receive the most relevant notifications.

      • How does Snipbot ensure the accuracy of its alerts?

        Our human-in-the-loop system cross-verifies AI-generated data to maintain the highest level of accuracy in our job-change alerts.

      • What are the pricing plans for Snipbot?

        Snipbot offers tiered pricing plans to suit businesses of all sizes, with options for both small teams and large enterprises.

      • Can I upgrade or downgrade my plan at any time?

        Yes, Snipbot's flexible subscription model allows you to adjust your plan as your business needs evolve.

      • What support and resources are available for Snipbot users?

        Our users have access to comprehensive support, including detailed guides, responsive customer service, and an active community forum.

      • What kind of alerts can I expect to receive?

        You'll receive timely, actionable alerts via email, mobile, and directly within your CRM whenever a contact in your network changes jobs.

      • How does Snipbot protect my data?

        We prioritize data security with stringent measures and compliance with industry standards to ensure your information is safe and private.

      • Is there a free trial available?

        Snipbot offers a free trial so you can experience the full range of features and see the value it brings to your sales process.

      • Who can benefit from using Snipbot?

        Sales professionals, account managers, and business development teams will find Snipbot invaluable for staying informed and proactive in their sales efforts.

      • How do I get started with Snipbot?

        Getting started is easy: simply sign up, integrate with your CRM, and begin receiving job-change alerts to enhance your sales strategy.